Monday 16 May 2016

Battle Reports: Luna Wolfes vs Night Lords!

Ave Dominus Nox!

The 9th company continues to fight against the damned loyalist on the battlefield. This is the battle report of their second fight against Luna Wolves.
The armies:

Night Lords (NL):

1 Delegatus
1 Terror Squad
1 Tactical Squad
1 Breacher Squad
1 Contemptor Talon + Dreadnought Drop pod

LunaWolves (LW):

1 Knight errant
2 Tactical Squad
1 Justaerin Terminator Squad
1 Support Squad with plasma gun

LW deployed first on all their side, ready to make an overall advance on y position.
Deployment was fast, again, the NL deployed only on one flank of the table and Freddy was ready in his pod to join the fight. 

Turn 1: The turn was fast, the LW advance towards my NL without shooting them. In my turn, Freddy drop just behind the 2 tactical squad and he was more than ready to destroy both of them. The rest of my company took position to open fire on turn 2.

Turn 2: Knight Errant comes just in front of my Terror Squad and justaerins start running towards Freddy. First volley of bolter starts and several members of the terror squad were killed.
In my turn, NL open fire on one of the tactical squad killing 5 of his members and the support squad killing 2 of his members.
Freddy makes a charge on the 5 remaining tactical marines but it was an epic fail: not one marines killed... Next turn will be hard for him!

Turn 3:  The LW was hard to kill and they decided to prove their worth. In the turn, terror squad and Freddy was killed. Terror squad by the knight errant and Freddy by the justaerin but at the cost of one of their members.
Breacher squad decided to take the center and avenge Freddy by attacking the tactical squad. It was a good decision, only the sergeant of the tactical squad stays alive. At the same time, my Tactical squad was shooting the support squad, leaving only their sergeant.

Turn 4: The close combat in the middle of the table take another tunr with the combine charge of the justaerin and the sergeant of the support squad against my breacher. They don't survived this fight and were all killed.
My turn was fast, my last tactical squad and delegatus moved and shoot one justaerin.

Turn 5: LW stay in their position, waiting to see the move of my last NL.
I decided to take my chance and made a charge against the last justaerin. The fight was hard and at the end, 2 justaerins and 5 NL marines were killed. 
Turn 6: It was fast, the LW tactical squad joins the big fight in the middle of the table and after a few blows, the last NL and several LW dropped dead. The last piece of my army was a lone drop pod.

Result: Luna Wolves Victory!

Next weekend, Night Lords vs Death Guard, the revenge!

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