Friday 29 June 2018

Blood Pact: Commanders and Psykers ready to fight!

Ave Dominus Nox!

The Blood Pact needs some officers to command all the troopers and conscripts to battle. They are members of the Pact that have proven their loyalty to the Gaur and eliminated all the other member that can compete the right to command with them.

In the fluff related to the Blood Pact, the following ranks have been defined:

Let me introduce you to my commanders of my Blood Pact regiment:

An etogaur, with power fist, a gift from one of the sons of Horus hosts to the Gaur. He gave it to this officer after he did some great deeds (or horrors) for the Pact.

An etogaur with standard equipment. He will lead the Pact during the major engagement of the summer.

A damogaur, with standard equipment. He is specialized in the command of heavy weapon squads.

Also, the Pact is supported by several Gore Mages, acting as Psyker. Let me introduce two of them that are closely working with my regiment:

A primaris psyker, who hide some mutation behind dark glasses and long clothes.

An astropath, ex-trooper of the Pact that manifest some psychic abilities.

With these guys to command the regiment, the first batch of troopers is almost done. I need to work on several tanks and my first tournament list will be full paint and ready for the tournament in July.

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