Wednesday 1 April 2020

Drukhari: Reavers in service of the Winter Eternal Kabal

Ave Dominus Nox!

The Winter Eternal Kabal relies heavily on different cult and mercenary from the Dark City to come with them in real space. Most of these recruits come from the Dark Blood Cult, a cult specialized in the hunt of tank and monster. Archon and Dracons from the Kabal love to recruit reavers squad from this Cult. These fast moving and strike hard jetbike can change the course of a battle or the success of a raid.

The different squad in service of the Kabal distinguished themselves by the color marking on the bike (blue, green, red…).
I build this first squad, as well as the second one, with a mix of blaster and grav-talon. It provides some flexibility to use the squad on a table: blaster for the shooting power and the grav-talon for the bonus during a charge with the mortal wound potential.
As it was one of the first unit to paint in this new army, I tested some color mix: grey, white, contrast… In the end, I decided on using ulthuan Grey and agrax earthshade as the main color for the bike. The pilots are paint with the same method as the kabalite: grey, nuln oil and contrast black for fast painting and a correct result.
I put some blue line on the bike to help me distinguished the different squad. The next one will have either red or green mark depending of my mood.

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